Below are select writing samples from various magazines, with more available upon request:


Waiting to Exhale 

I don’t know how it had happened, but I had stopped breathing. My freelance writing career had taken off, and I was spending long days furiously making phone calls, surfing the web and cranking out stories. Too often, exercise came in the form of a desperate 10-minute dash to Starbucks…    Read the article



  Breastfeeding: A Family Affair

As a vegetarian passionate about healthy eating, Kira Kim was determined to give her newborn, Soren, the very best nutrition–which, of course, meant breastfeeding. But after a traumatic emergency C-section, Kim’s milk didn’t come in for three weeks and she was forced to supplement with formula.    Read the article



 Don’t Make These Feeding Mistakes

Raise a kid who loves salmon and salad? Isn’t afraid to try new foods? Doesn’t overindulge on junk? Knows when to stop noshing in general? Yes, it is possible–but you have to know how. (Hint: It doesn’t involve insisting that he try “just one bite” or promising dessert if he finishes his broccoli.)       Read the article



Eating to Win

Is it really possible for a serious athlete (let alone your average gym goer) to perform her best without eating any meat? Mary Whipple and Dotsie Bausch often get asked this question; the two Olympic hopefuls are top contenders to represent the United States in the 2012 summer games starting in July.    Read the article



A Smart Start 

Experts agree: Breast milk is one of the greatest gifts you can give your baby. It’s brimming with nutrients and antibodies that boost your newborn’s immunity, aid digestion and promote brain development. An added bonus: Breastfeeding burns calories like crazy, helping you lose those pregnancy pounds faster.    Read the article



 Baby, It’s Cold Outside!

While I was giving birth to my oldest son, Whit, the first snowflakes were falling in our ski resort town of Sun Valley, Idaho. It was late October, and we were facing many months of snow and temperatures that could freeze the nose off a bear. In some ways, it felt like the ideal time to…    Read the article



The Sneezin’ Season

You waited eagerly for spring to arrive, with its warm breezes and budding trees. Now it’s here, and there’s a big problem: You can’t set foot outside without getting all stuffed up, sneezing constantly or wanting to rip out your eyes. And if allergy-inducing pollen gets into your house or you have lots of dust, mold or pet dander, you may not feel any better…    Read the article



Take a Hike

Rambling down a dirt trail is a great way to boost your fitness and unplug from the world no matter what your age, but for kids, it can be the ultimate discovery mission. Spotting a lizard sunning on a rock, a hawk circling in the sky or a thundering waterfall can be the definition of cool. And with three different mountain ranges and hundreds of miles of trails…     Read the article



 A Dad’s Guide to Giving Birth

Ok, guys: Suffice to say that most of you will never know what it’s like to have your belly stretch to the size of a large watermelon. You will never know what it’s like to be karate chopped by a tiny being that’s living inside you. And you will likely never be faced with the prospect of having to push a football-sized…    Read the article




 Teacher Secrets

Ooooooh, toddlers! One moment they’re impossibly cute; the next, completely impossible. And if you think getting one to cooperate, share and be respectful is tough, just imagine dealing with a roomful of them every day. Such is the life of a preschool teacher…    Read the article




 Best Ways to Soothe a Crying Baby

My friend Martha learned about colic the hard way: Her firstborn, Will, began crying for no apparent reason when he was 1 week old. Whenever she walked by my house with her stroller, I could hear the high-pitched wails. (The kid had some lungs!)    Read the article



 Secrets for a Smooth Birth

Women love to tell their birth stories-chances are you’ve heard your share of them. And as your due date approaches, you may find yourself wondering (and worrying!) what your own labor and delivery will be like. Unfortunately, there’s no way to predict exactly how it will…    Read the article




Mastering Motor Skills

I’ll never forget my son Whit’s first triumphant steps. For months, he’d been walking while clutching onto something, usually my hand. But shortly after his first birthday, he finally got the courage to let go. Holding out his hands to brace for a fall, he tentatively put one foot in front of the other…    Read the article




Get an A-list Body

Do you frequently stress out about getting in shape for a wedding, cruise or even a big date? Imagine how stars feel all the time. Whether they’re strutting the red carpet or simply pushing a grocery cart, no belly bulge (or wait, is it a baby bump?) or bit of cellulite…    Read the article




Grow a Garden with Your Toddler 

Juicy red tomatoes, crisp cucumbers and sweet yellow corn may sound like the makings of a savory summer salad. But when you grow them at home, they can create a wonderland of fun and discovery for your toddler. From rows of crunchy crudités to herbs in pots…    Read the article




Got Fiber?

The word “fiber” may conjure visions of your grandmother’s go-to breakfast of All-Bran and prune juice. But dietary fiber isn’t just for the gray-haired crowd: We all need a hefty dose of it, including toddlers. For one thing, it can help prevent chronic constipation…    Read the article




Taming the Terrific 5

Moxie isn’t my middle name. I cover my eyes during scary movies. I get woozy at a mention of the word “blood.” But when I watch a biker barrel downhill at breakneck speeds, I’m secretly envious. Why not try it, I thought. Wouldn’t it be cool to feel the wind hit…    Read the article

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